
The Beekeepers Quarterly

Guide for Authors

To give you a feel for the journal, you can download a free issue of the journal here:


This issue predates our editorship and the journal is part way through a refresh, so the current layout will vary.

Our readership is mainly well-informed beekeepers, usually not beginners, bee scientists, and educators. Please write in a lively and informal style. If you are concerned about your written English, we can help you. 

Please keep references / further reading to a minimum and refer only to books and articles that the reader can easily obtain (i.e. preferably Open Access and not those published in very obscure journals). Please use ISBN and .doi numbers where available and ensure that any website links actually work.

The length of articles varies. Feature articles should be around 1,000 to 2,000 words long, but news items can be much shorter.

Please send separate files for the text (preferably in MS Word, but we can use .pdf) and any images. Photos should be of good quality and high resolution at the original size of the image taken and not reduced in file size or cropped heavily. Please do not embed them in the text you send. Please tell us who to credit for copyright of the images, and do not use images taken from the internet or with unknown copyright.

Please DO NOT use electronic footnotes, automatic paragraph numbering etc., or reference management software, as these often get scrambled during editing and cause problems.

In the future, we plan to feature a mini highlight of key contributors which would include a small headshot, affiliation and a couple of sentences to describe them or their interests or work, for example: 

  • Headshot photo (portrait)
  • Jane Smith
  • Associate Professor in bee conservation at Random University, US.
  • Jane’s passion is getting the habitat “right for bees”. She has 15 years of conservation experience in the Mid-West prairies, home to many rare bee species.

Our publication dates are September, December, March and June

Publication Dates Copy Deadlines
September 2024 10 August
December 2024 1 November
March 2025 1 February
June 2025 10 May

If you need further guidance please contact us at beekeepersquarterly@btinternet.com

Thank you

Andrea Quigley and Norman Carreck
Joint Editors