The ABC’s of Honey Bees

This whimsical book celebrates the magical world of the honey bee. Each letter of the alphabet represents an important aspect of the honey bee’s life, and takes the reader on a captivating journey from A to Z. The author’s detailed explanations and brilliant photography provide a close-up look into this amazing world. The ABC’s of Honey Bees is perfect for both children and adults eager to learn more about these astounding creatures, and the important role they play in our delicate ecosystem.

“Roda Shope uses her wealth of creative talents and expertise to bring the reader into the lives of bees and their importance in the environment. This book shows the magical intricacies within the hive through brilliant imagery and detailed explanations. As a beekeeping educator, I am always looking for quality materials to share and this book has earned a place in my collection!” – Mandy Shaw owner at Bella Beek and host of Beekeeper Confidential

“This is a fantastic book!! As a science educator and fellow beekeeper, this is a great book to put in the hands of my students. The information found here will teach students of any age about the honey bee along with the important role they play in our ecosystem. It is so well written that students can easily understand the meaning of the words as well as see an up-close example in the beautiful photos.” – Erin Hudgins, science teacher and beekeeper

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