Beekeeping Simplified with The Drayton Hive
Including Plans for Home Construction
Andrew Bax
The Drayton Hive is a hybrid of several established hive designs, combining some of their different strengths and avoiding some of the pr...
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Following the Wild Bees
The Craft and Science of Bee Hunting
Thomas D. Seeley
"Following the Wild Bees is scientific natural history at its very best: original,authentic, and exciting. It is at the same time scien...
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Honeybee Democracy
Thomas D. Seeley
"A wonderful book, beautifully written and illustrated, about humanity’s greatest friend among the insects. The honeybee is important no...
Honeybee Ecology
A Study of Adaptation in Social Life
Thomas D. Seeley
Originally published in 1985 this book presents honeybees as a model system for investigating advanced social life among insects from an ...
Keeping Bees Simply and Respectfully
Apiculture with the Golden Hive
Johannes Wirz, Norbert Poeplau
Keeping bees, because one loves nature or wants to harvest one’s own honey, no longer has to remain a dream. The Golden Hive makes beekee...
New Beekeeping in a Long Deep Hive
Robin Dartington
In this work, the author explains his own use of a particular pattern of long hives which he has made to his own design, but which is der...
Summer Brood Interruption for Vital Honey Bee Colonies
Towards sustainable Varroa control using biotechnical methods
Aleksander Uzunov, Martin Gabel & Ralph Büchler
The parasitic varroa mite remains the most serious problem for honey bee colonies worldwide. Despite various chemical treatments, many be...
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The Bee-friendly Beekeeper
A Sustainable Approach
David Heaf
In recent years, beekeepers on several continents have been suffering heavy losses of colonies. If we, systematically investigate factors...
The Cavity Compromise
A Sustainable System
Adrian Quiney
How to integrate mite control, swarm control, honey production, and the overwintering of nucleus colonies in a northern climate using bio...
The Observant Beekeeper
Treatment Free, Low Intervention
Paul Honigmann
How can you inspect a hive without opening it?
When you do open it, how do you interpret what you see?
And how do unmanaged bees survive...
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The Wisdom of the Hive
The Social Physiology of Honey Bee Colonies
Thomas D. Seeley
This book is about the inner workings of one of nature’s most complex animal societies: the honey bee colony. It describes and illustrate...