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Honey Bee Genetics and Breeding

Robert E. Page Jr.
A landmark book ".. and probably the best reference for learning about bee breeding theory and practice and the history of honey bee gene...

Plants for Beekeeping In Canada and the Northern USA

A Directory of Nectar and Pollen Sources Found in Canada and the Northern USA
Jane Carver Ramsey
Plants for Beekeeping is an essential reference for beekeepers, agrologists, botanist and gardeners who wish to know which plants are att...

Using Apideas

How to set up and manage Apideas for mating honey bee queens
Daniel Basterfield
From £25.00
Queen raising is one of the most rewarding aspects of beekeeping, allowing beekeepers to propagate the desirable characteristics of their...

Propolis in Oral Healthcare

James Fearnley, Dr. Munir Ravalia & Dr Philip Wander
Propolis is effectively the bee colonies’ external immune defence mechanism. Honey bees collect resin from trees and plants and transform...

Genetic Priorities for Conservation of Native Honey Bees

Dorian Pritchard
Since Beowulf ’s day the study of honey bee genetics by wing morphometry and DNA analysis has advanced considerably. Meanwhile, many comm...

A Brief History of Scottish Beekeeping and Beekeepers

Taylor Hood
I have written this book on Beekeeping and expert beekeepers, to show how beekeeping has developed and progressed over time with the prac...

A History of the Discoveries About the Sexuality of the Honey Bee

A Detour into the Past
Frédéric Eggers de Villepin
Putting together this history of the discoveries about the sexuality of the honey bee gives us the opportunity to delve into a past where...

The Observant Beekeeper

Treatment Free, Low Intervention
Paul Honigmann
How can you inspect a hive without opening it? When you do open it, how do you interpret what you see? And how do unmanaged bees survive...

Healthy Bees, Heavy Hives

How to Maximise Your Honey Crop
Steve Donohoe, Paul Horton
Following on from Honey Farming by R.O.B. Manley (1946), and Honey By The Ton by Oliver Field (1983), Steve Donohoe and Paul Horton have ...

The Honey Bee Solution to Varroa

A Practical Guide for Beekeepers
Steve Riley
"This remarkable book presents a practical, chemical-treatment-free, solution to the Varroa problem. The author explains that in colonie...

Local Queens are Best

How to Simply Rear Your Own
Bruce Henderson Smith
“Richly illustrated with the author’s photographs, there’s a first-hand commentary on what to look for and when just to trust the nurse ...


A Natural and a Less Natural History
Jacques van Alphen
Jacques van Alphen describes the research that unravelled the behaviour of honey bees. Fascinating stories! How, for example, can a hive ...

