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Bumblebee Keeper

A Personal Story of Pollinator Management
Nelson Pomeroy
Forget what you know of (honeybee) beekeeping: this is a different game. In this unique and detailed text Nelson Pomeroy lays it bare.In ...

Butler: Parson, Musicologist, Beekeeper

Legacy and Influence of Charles Butler (1571-1647)
Compiled and Edited by The Butler 400 Foundation
Four hundred years ago, a parson in the small rural parish of Wootton St Lawrence in North Hampshire made an impact on beekeeping and lef...

Charles Dadant That Bee Man From Champagne

Kent Louis Pellett
The intriguing story of the establishment of the greatest bee supply company in America. The Dadant name is familiar to beekeepers throug...

Diagnosing Bee Mites

Diana Sammataro
This booklet deals with varroa and tracheal mites and and gives clear instruction on how to identify and sample them.

Field Notes on Queen Rearing

Oliver Field
This is an updated edition of the talk given by Oliver Field to the Scottish Beekeepers Association in 1998. This new version includes co...


A Practical Guide For Beekeepers In Managing The Asian Hornet
Alan Baxter
Asian Hornets are here to stay, but it’s not the end of the world. It’s not the end of beekeeping. But it could be the end of beekeeping ...

Following the Wild Bees

The Craft and Science of Bee Hunting
Thomas D. Seeley
"Following the Wild Bees is scientific natural history at its very best: original,au­thentic, and exciting. It is at the same time scien...

For the Love of Bees

Lesley Bill
An account of the life of Brother Adam of Buckfast Abbey, a world famous beekeeper, by a Devon beekeeper who travelled with Adam on some ...

Genetic Priorities for Conservation of Native Honey Bees

Dorian Pritchard
Since Beowulf ’s day the study of honey bee genetics by wing morphometry and DNA analysis has advanced considerably. Meanwhile, many comm...

Good Health and Long Life

Meanderings of a Mead Maker
Brian P. Dennis
A mead cook book for all those who wish to produce this nectar of the hive.

Good Nutrition, Good Bees

David Aston, Sally Bucknall
The importance of pollinator species to man’s survival and the functioning of the world’s ecosystems is recognised. Environmental and oth...

Healthy Bees, Heavy Hives

How to Maximise Your Honey Crop
Steve Donohoe, Paul Horton
Following on from Honey Farming by R.O.B. Manley (1946), and Honey By The Ton by Oliver Field (1983), Steve Donohoe and Paul Horton have ...

