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The Bee-friendly Beekeeper

A Sustainable Approach
David Heaf
In recent years, beekeepers on several continents have been suffering heavy losses of colonies. If we, systematically investigate factors...

The Bee-Keepers Handbook

Or Twenty-two Years’ Experience in Queen-rearing
Henry Alley
Alley was the first real queen-breeder. This 1883 volume remains a masterpiece because it is based on principles which have not changed o...

The Beekeeping Year

Lynfa Davies NDB
Beekeeping is a fascinating and rewarding hobby with plenty to learn but for new beekeepers, piecing it all together can be a little daun...

The Cavity Compromise

A Sustainable System
Adrian Quiney
How to integrate mite control, swarm control, honey production, and the overwintering of nucleus colonies in a northern climate using bio...

The Feminine Monarchie

Or The History of Bees
Rev. John Owen
The Feminine Monarchie is an early and remarkable work of English natural history, first published in 1609, and written by a scholarly co...

The Golden Age of Beekeeping

Peter Loring Borst
In this book I tell the story not only of the bringing of honey bees to America, but also how beekeeping changed from a minor accompanime...

The Honey Bee Solution to Varroa

A Practical Guide for Beekeepers
Steve Riley
"This remarkable book presents a practical, chemical-treatment-free, solution to the Varroa problem. The author explains that in colonie...

The Life of the Bumblebee

David V Alford
A short introduction to the remarkable life story of the bumblebee.The bumblebee, or humble-bee as it was once known, has often inspired ...

The Lives of Bees

The Untold Story of the Honey Bee in the Wild
Thomas D. Seeley
“This remarkable book eloquently explains how to be a better partner with honey bees, using nature as a guide. Seeley draws on insight a...

The Observant Beekeeper

Treatment Free, Low Intervention
Paul Honigmann
How can you inspect a hive without opening it? When you do open it, how do you interpret what you see? And how do unmanaged bees survive...

The Pollen Grain Drawings of Dorothy Hodges

Taken from The Pollen Loads of the Honeybee
Dorothy Hodges
The Pollen Loads of the Honeybee by Dorothy Hodges, an artist and experienced beekeeper, was first published 1952. It included drawings o...

The Small Hive Beetle

Aethina tumida Murray
William Michael Hood
The importance of the role played by honey bee pests in the world is becoming more recognised each year, not only because of attention gi...

