A Colour Guide to Pollen Loads of the Honey Bee, Kirk

A Colour Guide to Pollen Loads of the Honey Bee
Beekeepers everywhere are fascinated by the sources of pollen brought back to the hive by their bees. Being able to identify the plants producing this pollen is the key to unlocking important information about bee forage in your area.
Dr Kirk and his team have painstakingly collected pollen loads from bees from Britain and Germany - giving us surprising evidence of the natural variation in the colours seen at the hive entrance.
The guide contains a key of 500 colours, and describes the pollen loads of 268 plant species found in Europe. There is also an account of how this book is useful as a practical guide to pollen identification. The text is given in English, French and German, because of the wide demand for such a book throughout Europe.
William Kirk is professor in ecology and entomology at Keele University. He keeps bees and conducts research on bee behaviour and pollination.
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