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Genetic Priorities for Conservation of Native Honey Bees, Pritchard


Genetic Priorities for Conservation of Native Honey Bees

Dorian Pritchard
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Northern Bee Books (1st ed. 2024)
Hardback / 180 Pages

Since Beowulf ’s day the study of honey bee genetics by wing morphometry and DNA analysis has advanced considerably. Meanwhile, many commercial beekeepers and queen breeders, in their quest for ever greater honey production, have taken the uniformity of their bees to even greater lengths, importing bees and/or queens from distant areas, and also routinely treating prophylactically for varroa and other diseases.

At the other extreme, conservationist proponents of ‘let-alone’, ‘natural’ or ‘Darwinian’ beekeeping have also become more evident. Dorian’s genetic expertise and his many years of practical beekeeping enable him to steer a sustainable and yet productive course within this field, with scientific authority. He comes down firmly on the side of keeping only local bees which are adapted to the prevailing climate and environment, while conserving natural variation, and recommends beekeepers “to allow all native colonies to reproduce without restraint, allowing nature to make her own choice of survivors.” Compatible management techniques can aid this process and still provide a worthwhile honey surplus.

