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A History of Keeping and Managing Doubled and Two-Queen Hives

Alan Wade
This book outlines approaches to hive building with more than a single queen. They fall into two distinct categories: single-queen hives ...

AI in the Apiary ©

Honeybee Diseases
Paddy G. Walker
This book is a comprehensive view of the breadth of different honeybee diseases. Each disease is covered by: Classification Biology Trans...

An Efficient Production of Bee Colonies

Flemming B. Thorsen
An Efficient Production of Bee Colonies is written by Flemming B. Thorsen, a commercial bee-keeper who concentrates on breeding pure Dani...

Bee Propolis

Natural Healing from the Hive
James Fearnley
This pioneering book is probably the most comprehensive overview of research into propolis in the English language. It explains how to us...

Beekeeping for All

Translated by Patricia & David Heaf
Abbé Émile Warré
The book describes the development, construction and operation of the 'People’s Hive' of Abbé Émile Warré. The original L’Apiculture Pour...

Beekeeping for Beginners

Andrew Richards
All too often, books written for new beekeepers carry far too much information which can be confusing for the reader. Andrew’s book is an...

Beekeeping Simplified with The Drayton Hive

Including Plans for Home Construction
Andrew Bax
The Drayton Hive is a hybrid of several established hive designs, combining some of their different strengths and avoiding some of the pr...

Field Notes on Queen Rearing

Oliver Field
This is an updated edition of the talk given by Oliver Field to the Scottish Beekeepers Association in 1998. This new version includes co...


A Practical Guide For Beekeepers In Managing The Asian Hornet
Alan Baxter
Asian Hornets are here to stay, but it’s not the end of the world. It’s not the end of beekeeping. But it could be the end of beekeeping ...

Genetic Priorities for Conservation of Native Honey Bees

Dorian Pritchard
Since Beowulf ’s day the study of honey bee genetics by wing morphometry and DNA analysis has advanced considerably. Meanwhile, many comm...

Good Nutrition, Good Bees

David Aston, Sally Bucknall
The importance of pollinator species to man’s survival and the functioning of the world’s ecosystems is recognised. Environmental and oth...

Honey Bee Disease Identification Cards

Norman Carreck NDB
A practical set of A6 laminated cards intended to be used in the apiary.One card shows healthy brood, the other nine cards depict various...
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