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Making Beeswax Flowers

Elizabeth Duffin
This title details the making and decorating of flat sheets of wax for petals and leaves; of roses, crocuses, and other wax foundation fl...

Piping Hot Bees & Boisterous Buzz-Runners

20 Mysteries of Honey Bee Behaviour Solved
Thomas D. Seeley
Piping Hot Bees and Boisterous Buzz-Runners takes readers inside a world seldom seen even by beekeepers, shedding light on twenty of the ...

Propolis in Oral Healthcare

James Fearnley, Dr. Munir Ravalia & Dr Philip Wander
Propolis is effectively the bee colonies’ external immune defence mechanism. Honey bees collect resin from trees and plants and transform...

Queen Breeding and Genetics

How to get Better Bees
Eigil Holm
After successful publication in Denmark (1995 ) and Germany (1997 ) this 2010 English translation deals with all aspects of mating and qu...

Some Important Operations in Bee Management

T. S. K. Johansson, M. P. Johansson
This book starts where many books on beekeeping leave off. Each chapter is devoted to a subject of great importance to the beekeeper in g...

Splits and Varroa

An Introduction to Splitting Hives as Part of Varroa Control
William Hesbach
Bill Hesbach is a beekeeper and honey producer in Cheshire, Ct, where he owns and operates Wind Dance Apiary. Bill studied beekeeping at ...

Splitting Colonies

For the Small-Scale Beekeeper
David MacFawn
Splitting Colonies is an important means of colony increase and swarming mitigation. Splitting is an art as much as a science. It should ...

Summer Brood Interruption for Vital Honey Bee Colonies

Towards sustainable Varroa control using biotechnical methods
Aleksander Uzunov, Martin Gabel & Ralph Büchler
The parasitic varroa mite remains the most serious problem for honey bee colonies worldwide. Despite various chemical treatments, many be...

Swarm Management with Checkerboarding

J. White, Anita Hunt, Gill Bannister
John, Anita and Gill are likeminded hobbyist beekeepers that live in adjoining villages bordering West Berkshire and South Oxfordshire. T...

The Asian Hornet

Threats, Biology & Expansion
Stephen Martin
The accidental introduction of the Asian hornet or more accurately the yellow-legged hornet into France and South Korea over ten years ag...

The Cavity Compromise

A Sustainable System
Adrian Quiney
How to integrate mite control, swarm control, honey production, and the overwintering of nucleus colonies in a northern climate using bio...

The Golden Age of Beekeeping

Peter Loring Borst
In this book I tell the story not only of the bringing of honey bees to America, but also how beekeeping changed from a minor accompanime...

