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AI in the Apiary ©

Honeybee Diseases
Paddy G. Walker
This book is a comprehensive view of the breadth of different honeybee diseases. Each disease is covered by: Classification Biology Trans...

Bee Genetics and Breeding

Thomas E. Rinderer
Bee Genetics and Breeding provides an overview of the state of knowledge in bee genetics and breeding. The book is organized into two par...

Bee Propolis

Natural Healing from the Hive
James Fearnley
This pioneering book is probably the most comprehensive overview of research into propolis in the English language. It explains how to us...

Bumblebee Keeper

A Personal Story of Pollinator Management
Nelson Pomeroy
Forget what you know of (honeybee) beekeeping: this is a different game. In this unique and detailed text Nelson Pomeroy lays it bare.In ...

Genetic Priorities for Conservation of Native Honey Bees

Dorian Pritchard
Since Beowulf ’s day the study of honey bee genetics by wing morphometry and DNA analysis has advanced considerably. Meanwhile, many comm...

Good Nutrition, Good Bees

David Aston, Sally Bucknall
The importance of pollinator species to man’s survival and the functioning of the world’s ecosystems is recognised. Environmental and oth...

Heredity in Honey Bees

And in Honey Bee Colonies
Bernard Sauvager
A drone dies after mating. Nonetheless, his sperm will later transmit 100% of his genes to each of his daughters. A queen, on the other h...

Highways and Byways of Beekeeping

Alan Wade
Alan Wade is a research scientist and has kept bees for well over forty years. In Highways and Byways of Beekeeping he ventures down some...

Honey Bee Drones

Specialists in the Field
Graham Kingham
This book concentrates only on the drone – the male honey bee.It provides details regarding the drone’s internal and external anatomy, pr...

Honey Bee Genetics and Breeding

Robert E. Page Jr.
A landmark book ".. and probably the best reference for learning about bee breeding theory and practice and the history of honey bee gene...

Honey Bee Vet

The Adventures of a Veterinarian Seeking to Doctor one of the World's Most Important Animals
Tracy Farone
Honey bees are one of the most important agricultural animals on Earth. These tiny creatures often fly around unnoticed, doing work they ...

Honeybee Anatomy Brought to Life

Graham Kingham
This book uses photo essays to set out and display the anatomy, internal, external of the honeybee with over 350 detailed micrographs, to...

