David Heaf

titles listed

    The Modified Golden Hive


      David Heaf

    Horizontal hives with frames are becoming increasingly popular in Europe and North America. One of these is the golden hive or Einraumbeute, developed at Mellifera Association in Germany, based on Dadant-size frames rotated ninety degrees. The resulting deep format allows for a vertically uninterrupted brood nest and a deep honey crown that is good for wintering. This book describes modifications…

    Natuurimkeren met de Warré-kast

    Een handleiding

      David Heaf

    Wereldwijd is er een groeiende interesse voor natuurlijke imkeren. Oude, vaak vergeten soorten bijenkast worden herontdekt en de gangbare imkermethodes die we nu al meer dan een eeuw kennen, worden in vraag gesteld. De Kast van het volk van Abbé Emile Warré (1867-1951) is een voorbeeld van zo’n oude bijenkast die op enorm veel bijval kan rekenen bij de imkers…

    Treatment-Free Beekeeping

      David Heaf

    Since varroa arrived in Europe and America in the 1980's, most beekeepers have found it necessary to treat their colonies with chemicals in order to avoid heavy colony losses. But a minority of beekeepers have managed to care for their colonies without the use of chemicals and have done so with not just tolerable colony losses, but with losses that…

    The Bee-friendly Beekeeper

    A sustainable approach

      David Heaf

    In recent years, beekeepers on several continents have been suffering heavy losses of colonies. If we, systematically investigate factors causing the losses, we can justifiably ask whether the way in which honey bees are kept is part of the problem. Could hive design, frames, foundation, intrusion, artificial queen breeding, drone suppression, queen excluders, artificial feeding, medication, transhumance and overstocking -…

    Natural Beekeeping with the Warré Hive

    A Manual

      David Heaf

    This inspiring, practical, clearly laid out book contains everything you need in order to build and run a Warré hive, Topics include tools, siting, obtaining and hiving bees, monitoring, feeding, wintering, enlarging the hive, harvesting and extracting honey with simple kitchen equipment. An ideal book for the aspiring natural beekeeper.