Honey Farming

titles listed

    The Golden Age Of Beekeeping

      Peter Loring Borst

    In this book I tell the story not only of the bringing of honey bees to America, but also how beekeeping changed from a minor accompaniment to the family’s garden, to a significant industry more like dairy farming. The beekeeper went from being a slightly odd character having some secret knowledge and a bit of tolerance for bee stings—to a…

    Healthy Bees, Heavy Hives

    How to maximise your honey crop

      Steve Donohoe

      Paul Horton

    Following on from Honey Farming by R.O.B. Manley (1946), and Honey By The Ton by Oliver Field (1983), Steve Donohoe and Paul Horton have produced a stunning book on beekeeping today, with a focus on increasing honey production. Clear diagrams and beautiful photographs complement a relaxed writing style which is both enjoyable and informative to read. Paul is a successful…

    Willie Robson His Words

      W. S. Robson

    This is an abbreviated record of the work necessary to establish a large honey farm in the North of England written by the owner of that business. It is also a record of many of the successes and difficulties encountered during a period of 75 years when for 50 of those years the family were entirely dependent on honey bees…

    Beekeeping in Tropical Africa

      Peter David Paterson

    Small-scale beekeeping is an attractive cash crop option for resource-poor farmers in the tropics. It demands little in the way of time, finances or natural resources, and the honey and beeswax harvested can be processed in the home and sold locally. At the same time, pollination by honeybees will increase the yields of many staple food crops. This book, through…

    Rafter Beekeeping

    Sustainable Management with Apis dorsata

      Eric Guerin

    Eric Guerin is a French biologist specialized in Asian native honey bee conservation and sustainable beekeeping. Based in Southeast Asia since 2008, he has made a special effort to document the work of honey hunters and rafter beekeeping communities, diffusing sustainable honey collection practices, introducing small-scale beekeeping as part of organic agriculture development, raising awareness on native honey bee conservation,…

    Swarm Management with Checkerboarding

      J. White

      Anita Hunt

      Gill Bannister

    John, Anita and Gill are likeminded hobbyist beekeepers that live in adjoining villages bordering West Berkshire and South Oxfordshire. They meet up regularly for support and to discuss all aspects of beekeeping. Of course discussions on swarming are always a hot topic! Join them for their take on the observational writings of Walter Wright, a retired NASA engineer, and his…

    An Efficient Production of Bee Colonies

      Flemming B. Thorsen

    An Efficient Production of Bee Colonies is written by Flemming B. Thorsen, a commercial bee-keeper who concentrates on breeding pure Danish Buckfast bees. There are no pure English Buckfast bees in Denmark anymore, but he continues to use the methods of Brother Adam from Buckfast Abbey in England. Flemming is a commercial queen breeder and produces many new colonies every…

    Interviews with Beekeepers

      Steve Donohoe

    A rare insight into the lives of commercial beekeepers, warts and all, Interviews With Beekeepers is gold dust to anyone who wants to know more about keeping bees. For author Steve Donohoe, beekeeping was a form of therapy - an escape from the stresses of corporate life to something natural and healing. Steve decided to write the book that he…

    Raising Honeybee Queens

    An Illustrated Guide to Success

      Gilles Fert

    Raise your own superior queens and you’ll never need to buy bees again! This fully illustrated guide makes self-sufficient beekeeping accessible to everyone: • Detailed, easy to understand practical advice. • Simple, time-tested techniques. • All hive models: vertical and horizontal. • Many methods to choose from. • Every step clearly explained. • Successful breeding, mating, and queen introduction. •…

    Sixty Years with Bees

      Donald Sims

    This book is, in part, the story of one man's lifelong experience with bees; with forty colonies or more kept in diverse places in England; and of working alone and with another beekeeper or partner, moving colonies to orchards for pollination, to the heather, and to a variety of crops grown for seed. It is also a book in which…

    An Apiary Guide to Swarm Control

      Wally Shaw

    The title tells it all. This booklet originally published by the Welsh Beekeepers Association is a very sound introduction to swarm control for all small scale beekeepers. There is no doubt that swarm control is simultaneously the most important and most difficult aspect of colony management with which beekeepers have to deal - if they chose to do so, of…

    The Small Hive Beetle

    Aethina tumida Murray

      Wm. Michael Hood

    The importance of the role played by honey bee pests in the world is becoming more recognised each year, not only because of attention given to the pest species, such as the varroa mite and small hive beetle, but also because of the increasing realisation that honey bees are extremely valuable to nature and humanity. The most up to date…

    Beekeeping and Sustainable Livelihoods

    Food and Agriculture Organization Diversification Booklet

      Martin Hilmi

      Nicola Bradbear

      Danilo Mejia

    This booklet is intended to raise awareness and promote beekeeping, among people and organisations involved in supporting small-scale farming as a successful diversification enterprise that small-scale farmers in rural, urban and urban centres can integrate into their farming systems easily. This publication is by the Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division of The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations…

    Oilseed Rape and Bees

      Allan Calder

      Calder, A

    For Beekeepers to be able now to rely, for an indefinite number of years to come, upon the regular annual availability, in May and June, of a huge new nectar source, is for them an historic advance. The pattern of working through the beekeeping year is changed by it and a new yearly flow of nectar and honey is in…

    Biodynamic Beekeeping in the Tropics

      Marieke Mutsaers

      Caroline Akachuku

    This is a copy of the course book for the International Training Workshop in Biodynamic Beekeeping held at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Nigeria in June 2013 published by permission of the authors. It deals with the production of Organic Honey and other Honeybee products such as Candles, Polish, Propolis Balms, Tinctures and Body Creams.

    Buckets of Honey from Boxes of Bees

      Ken Pickles

    Ken Pickles , the Wharfedale Beekeeper has written a wide ranging text reviewing his beekeeping philosophy and the underlying reasons for their success. Certainly a must for any Yorkshireman. It recalls Summer evening sitting by his hives, the lure of the craft and all that it is associated with.

    Honey Farming

      R.O.B. Manley

    'Honey farming is a grand job for those who love bees and are interested in producing something from the land; who are hard workers and able to enjoy country life in all weathers. I have been at it for a long while, and my one regret is that I did not start with bee farming when I was twenty instead…