
titles listed

    The Golden Age Of Beekeeping

      Peter Loring Borst

    In this book I tell the story not only of the bringing of honey bees to America, but also how beekeeping changed from a minor accompaniment to the family’s garden, to a significant industry more like dairy farming. The beekeeper went from being a slightly odd character having some secret knowledge and a bit of tolerance for bee stings—to a…

    The Yellow-Legged Asian Hornet

    A Handbook

      Sarah Bunker

    Yellow-legged Asian hornets cause three important problems for humans: they love eating bees, especially honey bees; if you get too close to a nest they can be very aggressive; and they are voracious predators of our native insects. There has been much research since I published the first edition in 2019. This updated and expanded version is divided into three…

    Raising Resilient Bees

    Heritage Techniques to Mitigate Mites, Preserve Locally Adapted Genetics, and Grow Your Apiary

      Eric McEwen

    Raising Resilient Bees offers a natural, sustainable, and replicable model for hive health and prodution, making it the comprehensive source for new and experienced beekeepers. Increasing pest and disease pressure presents an unprecedented challenge for the modem honey bee. Hobby and commercial beekeepers alike continue to experience troubling rates of mortality for their colonies, with deleterious consequences for the stability…

    Healthy Bees, Heavy Hives

    How to maximise your honey crop

      Steve Donohoe

      Paul Horton

    Following on from Honey Farming by R.O.B. Manley (1946), and Honey By The Ton by Oliver Field (1983), Steve Donohoe and Paul Horton have produced a stunning book on beekeeping today, with a focus on increasing honey production. Clear diagrams and beautiful photographs complement a relaxed writing style which is both enjoyable and informative to read. Paul is a successful…

    Bumblebee Keeper

    A personal story of pollinator management

      Nelson Pomeroy

    Forget what you know of (honeybee) beekeeping: this is a different game. In this unique and detailed text Nelson Pomeroy lays it bare. In a candid account of his career as a student, scientist, businessman and teacher, he details most aspects of working with bumblebees: outdoor nesting sites, laboratory observation hives, crop pollination and commercial-scale rearing. His innovations range from…

    A Lifetime of Beekeeping Mistakes

      Geoff Critchley

    A Lifetime of Beekeeping Mistakes covers all the basics of managing successful hives from buying in bee stocks and equipment to record keeping, establishing and growing colonies. It considers the merits of different types of hive and provides clear advice on queens, drones, honey extraction, diseases and pests. The book is written from the voice of experience rather than academic…

    Using Apideas

    How to set up and manage Apideas for mating honey bee queens

      Dan Basterfield

    Queen raising is one of the most rewarding aspects of beekeeping, allowing beekeepers to propagate the desirable characteristics of their best colonies throughout their apiaries. Father and son commercial beekeepers Ken and Dan Basterfield, both holders of the National Diploma in Beekeeping, have been using Apideas to raise their own queens for forty years. Here they present the tips and…

    A Guide to the Safe Removal of Honey Bee Colonies from Buildings

      Clive A. Stewart

      Stuart A. Roberts

    The general public are becoming more aware of the plight of ‘bees’. This is, more accurately, the plight of pollinating insects. Dave Goulson, in his book, (see Silent Earth: Averting the Insect Apocalypse) has called it the ‘Insect Apocalypse’ and this has meant that many people now believe honey bees to be a protected species. The term ‘bees’ in this…

    Willie Robson His Words

      W. S. Robson

    This is an abbreviated record of the work necessary to establish a large honey farm in the North of England written by the owner of that business. It is also a record of many of the successes and difficulties encountered during a period of 75 years when for 50 of those years the family were entirely dependent on honey bees…

    Honey in the Comb

      Eugene E. Killion

    Originally published in 1981. This book is a result of a lifetime study of the equipment and practices for the production of fine comb honey. It is also the purpose of this book to encourage only the finest quality of comb honey to be offered to our markets. The classic title for the production of comb, section and chunk honey.…

    Food Safety for Beekeepers

    Advice on legal requirements and practical actions

      Andy Pedley

    In this book, Andy (an Environmental Health Officer for 46 years and a beekeeper for 30) explores the Consumer Protection law that applies to beekeepers and bee farmers. The book principally deals with Food and Food Safety, and includes a full HACCP that covers both extracted and comb honey. The book includes other products - Candles, Melts, Wraps and Polishes.…

    Charles Dadant That Bee Man From Champagne

      Kent Louis Pellett

    The intriguing story of the establishment of the greatest bee supply company in America. The Dadant name is familiar to beekeepers throughout the world as one of the principal manufacturers of beekeeping supplies, and the publisher of The American Bee Journal, for more than 150 years. This book tells the story of Charles Dadant, “that Bee Man from Champagne”, who…

    Super Formulas

    How to make more than 300 useful products that contain honey & beeswax

      Elaine C. White

    How to make more than 360 useful products that contain honey and beeswax. Step-by-step directions for making and using each product. Mail order sources listed for all ingredients. Includes patterns for "Honey Bear" and "Worker Bee" stuffed tools. Elaine White is a house-wife and beekeeper who lives in central Mississippi with husband, Wil, and son, John. Her passion for formulas…

    Cleaning Beeswax and Making Polish

      Pauline Aslin

    The aim of this booklet is to encourage beekeepers especially, to make use of their beeswax. I hope it will also inspire those who don't keep bees to source beeswax from their local beekeepers and enjoy using it. This booklet explains how to clean raw beeswax ready for use in crafts such as candles, cosmetics and polish. It also includes…

    Making Beeswax Candles

      Pauline Aslin

    The aim of this booklet is to encourage beekeepers especially, to make use of their beeswax. I hope it will also inspire those who don't keep bees to source beeswax from their local beekeepers and enjoy using it. Beeswax makes wonderful candles. There is more to candle making than can be covered in 12 short pages, but this booklet explains…

    Make Your Own Beeswax and Honey Skin Creams

      Pauline Aslin

    The aim of this booklet is to encourage beekeepers especially, to make use of their beeswax. I hope it will also inspire those who don't keep bees to source beeswax from their local beekeepers and enjoy using it. There is no need for specialist equipment or fancy ingredients. It really is very easy to make simple but effective skin creams…

    A History of Keeping and Managing Doubled and Two-Queen Hives

      Alan Wade

    This book outlines approaches to hive building with more than a single queen. They fall into two distinct categories: single-queen hives sharing common honey storage space and true multiple-queen hives hosting more than one queen. A History of Keeping and Managing Doubled and Two-Queen Hives explains how a honey bee colony with a second laying queen can be established and…

    Crop Pollination by Bees, Volume 1

    Evolution, Ecology, Conservation, and Management

      Keith S. Delaplane

    Since the second half of the 20th Century, our agricultural bee pollinators have faced mounting threats from ecological disturbance and pan-global movement of pathogens and parasites. At the same time, the area of pollinator-dependent crops is increasing globally with no end in sight. Never before has so much been asked of our finite pool of bee pollinators. This book not…

    Apicultura en la Abadía Buckfast

    Hermano Adam

      Brother Adam

    Hasta ahora desconocido al público español, este libro está considerado desde muchos años un clásico de la literatura apícola. Aquí Hermano Adam habla en primera persona de sus experiencias como apicultor pionero sobre la cría y selección de reinas, además del manejo de sus colmenas como ejemplo de una apicultura moderna. Esta lectura, fácil, fluida y al mismo tiempo entusiasmaste,…

    Honey Bee Medicine

    For the Veterinary Practitioner

      Terry Ryan Kane

      Cynthia M. Faux

    Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner offers an authoritative guide to honey bee health and hive management. Designed for veterinarians and other professionals, the book presents information useful for answering commonly asked questions and for facilitating hive examinations. The book covers a wide range of topics including basic husbandry, equipment and safety, anatomy, genetics, the diagnosis and management of…

    A Beekeeper’s Life

    Tales from the Bottom Board

      Ed Colby

    Since 2002, Ed Colby has amused, inspired and occasionally educated beekeepers with his Bottom Board column in Bee Culture magazine. With a blend of humor and pathos, he shares not only his remarkable adventures with God’s favorite insect but also reflects on friendship, love, life, death, and the fickle winds of fortune. Ed grew up in Brazil, Montana, Mexico and…

    Making and Selling Cosmetics

    Sweet Orange Lip Balm

      Dr. Sara J. Robb

    "Lip balm is the ideal product to start with when you are learning to make cosmetics. A simple mixture made with just a few ingredients ensures you will have a usable balm after your first attempt. When I introduce beekeepers to making cosmetics, I often begin with lip balm. An almost fool-proof cosmetic, lip balm making builds confidence in the…

    Swarm Management with Checkerboarding

      J. White

      Anita Hunt

      Gill Bannister

    John, Anita and Gill are likeminded hobbyist beekeepers that live in adjoining villages bordering West Berkshire and South Oxfordshire. They meet up regularly for support and to discuss all aspects of beekeeping. Of course discussions on swarming are always a hot topic! Join them for their take on the observational writings of Walter Wright, a retired NASA engineer, and his…

    The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture

      Keith S. Delaplane

      James E. Tew

      Jennifer Berry

      Clarence H. Collison

      Ann Harman

      Kim Flottum

    • 42nd Edition (2020) • Over 800 pages packed with information • Hundreds of Color photos and illustrations • More than 50 Contributors • A MUST for every beekeeper large and small • A mix of reference, the how and why things are done and a history of how beekeeping got where it is today! In 1877 A. I. Root…

    An Efficient Production of Bee Colonies

      Flemming B. Thorsen

    An Efficient Production of Bee Colonies is written by Flemming B. Thorsen, a commercial bee-keeper who concentrates on breeding pure Danish Buckfast bees. There are no pure English Buckfast bees in Denmark anymore, but he continues to use the methods of Brother Adam from Buckfast Abbey in England. Flemming is a commercial queen breeder and produces many new colonies every…


    A Comprehensive Survey - HARDBACK

      Eva Crane

    Softback copy available here Bees were producing honey long before man appeared on earth. Honey was one of man's earliest foods, and has been valued throughout successive civilizations. Today its popularity is increasing as never before. Here is a lively but authoritative book written by eminent world experts covering the whole subject of honey, its plant sources, its production, marketing…


    A Comprehensive Survey - SOFTBACK

      Eva Crane

    Hardback copy available here Bees were producing honey long before man appeared on earth. Honey was one of man's earliest foods, and has been valued throughout successive civilizations. Today its popularity is increasing as never before. Here is a lively but authoritative book written by eminent world experts covering the whole subject of honey, its plant sources, its production, marketing…

    Russian Honey Bees

    With a foreword by Benjamin Oldroyd

      Thomas E. Rinderer

      Steven E. Coy

    Russian Honey Bees are a stock of honey bees that were bred to be resistant to Varroa mites and have good beekeeping functionality for both honey production and pollination. This book describes the project to produce the Russian honey bee stock, conducted over 20 years of work by the combined efforts of scientists and beekeepers. Practical information on the management…

    Interviews with Beekeepers

      Steve Donohoe

    A rare insight into the lives of commercial beekeepers, warts and all, Interviews With Beekeepers is gold dust to anyone who wants to know more about keeping bees. For author Steve Donohoe, beekeeping was a form of therapy - an escape from the stresses of corporate life to something natural and healing. Steve decided to write the book that he…

    Making and Selling Cosmetics

    Honeycomb Cleansing Cream

      Dr. Sara J. Robb

    Whether you're interested in creating beauty products for yourself or for profit, Making and Selling Cosmetics is for you. The author, Dr Sara Robb, has over 15 years of experience as a cos­metics formulator and specializes in products containing honey and bees­wax. Each booklet provides an easy ­to-follow recipe and a step-by-step guide on how to meet the require­ments to…

    The Honey

    Beekeeper, Analysis, Law, Health

      Helmut Horn

      Cord Lüllmann

    Honey is one of nature's most valuable raw materials - and has been for over twelve thousand years. Its constituents are valued in nutrition as well as in medicine and cosmetics. Like no other agricultural product, honey production is in harmony with nature, because the bee depends on an intact environment. This highly topical standard work provides everything about honey:…

    Raising Honeybee Queens

    An Illustrated Guide to Success

      Gilles Fert

    Raise your own superior queens and you’ll never need to buy bees again! This fully illustrated guide makes self-sufficient beekeeping accessible to everyone: • Detailed, easy to understand practical advice. • Simple, time-tested techniques. • All hive models: vertical and horizontal. • Many methods to choose from. • Every step clearly explained. • Successful breeding, mating, and queen introduction. •…

    The Jefferson Beekeeping Guide

    Whitby Beekeepers Association

      Tony Jefferson

    All three generations of the Jefferson Family from Whitby, North Yorkshire are famed for their beekeeping knowledge and expertise. This 41 page booklet is full of advice and beekeeping knowledge that only long time experience can bring. Northern Bee Books strongly recommends this title. Tony writes in his introduction .. "
You may well gather as you thumb through this "booklet"…

    Crop Pollination by Bees

      Keith S. Delaplane

      Daniel F. Mayer

    The collapse of the ubiquitous honey bee population during the past 20 years has caused a pollination vacuum for many crops. Surveys and grower experience indicate that a crisis exists in our pollinator populations. This book is an accessible, practical and authoritative research-based guide to using bees for crop pollination. It emphasises conserving feral bee populations as well as more…

    In Business with Bees

    How to Expand, Sell, and Market Honeybee Products and Services Including Pollination, Bees and Queens, Beeswax, Honey, and More

      Kim Flottum

    Ready to take your beekeeping skills to the next level? In Business with Bees provides the answers you need. "The only way to save the honey bee is to save the beekeeper. All the rest comes in second," says best​selling author and beekeeping expert Kim Flottum. Here, Flottum shows you how to save bees, beekeepers, and your business. He'll take…


      Noël Sweeney

    Noël Sweeney is a practising barrister who specialises in criminal, human rights and animal law. This volume deals with all aspects of the law concerning bees and beekeepers, drawing upon case history from both UK and American judgements. Bees-at-Law considers the role of bees gauged by the duty and responsibility their owners and beekeepers owe to other people. He lists…

    Vanishing Bees. Science, Politics, and Honeybee Health

      Daniel Kleinman

      Sainath Suryanarayanan

    In 2005, beekeepers in the United States began observing a mysterious and disturbing phenomenon: once-healthy colonies of bees were suddenly collapsing, leaving behind empty hives full of honey and pollen. Over the following decade, widespread honeybee deaths -some of which have come to be called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) -have continued to bedevil beekeepers and threaten the agricultural industries that…

    Healthy Bees: A Practical Handbook

    Managing pests, diseases and other disorders of the honey bee

      Doug Somerville

      Nicholas Annand

    A full colour well illustrated practical handbook from the Department of Primary Industries in New South Wales giving advice on the recognition and control of all the major diseases. It deals in passing with colony size and nutrition - factors often overlooked in other disease manuals. This is an important addition to the literature.

    Heather Honey, An Anthology of Works

      Ian Copinger

      Brother Adam

      William Hamilton

      Peter Schollick

      Francis Sitwell

    Heather Honey is the Queen of all honeys. To gain a good crop it is important to manage your stocks during the mid season in order that they are at their strongest in August. This Anthology brings together writings from all the past Great Heather Bee Masters - Francis Sitwell, Brother Adam, Colin Weightman & William Hamilton together with a…

    Sixty Years with Bees

      Donald Sims

    This book is, in part, the story of one man's lifelong experience with bees; with forty colonies or more kept in diverse places in England; and of working alone and with another beekeeper or partner, moving colonies to orchards for pollination, to the heather, and to a variety of crops grown for seed. It is also a book in which…

    A Comprehensive Guide to Preparing Exhibits for a Honey Show

      David Shannon

    David Shannon, a beekeeper for over 15 years, has kept 30-40 colonies in Yorkshire. He has an enthusiastic interest in preparing a variety of hive products for the show in Harrogate (Supreme Champion twice) and the Royal Show at Stoneleigh (winning the most points, a Bronze Medal, and the Brydon Trophy for his mead). Whilst still showing his products, he…

    A Practical guide to Producing Heather Honey

      Tony Jefferson

    The three generations of the Jefferson family, widely known for their famous production of Heather Honey, base their beekeeping on an annual cycle of activities leading up to the anticipation of two weeks decent August weather. Tony fully describes their methods and this small volume is an investment for those who wish to produce this premium quality honey.

    Beekeeping Tips and Topics

      Elbert R. Jaycox

    This is a collection of articles written by Elbert Jaycox for the newsletter Bees & Honey during 1975 - 1981 when he was the beekeeping specialist at the University of Illinois. As you would expect from such an expert it is packed with pearls of wisdom - based on his lifetime experiences or gathered from a wide reading of the…

    The Small Hive Beetle

    Aethina tumida Murray

      Wm. Michael Hood

    The importance of the role played by honey bee pests in the world is becoming more recognised each year, not only because of attention given to the pest species, such as the varroa mite and small hive beetle, but also because of the increasing realisation that honey bees are extremely valuable to nature and humanity. The most up to date…

    Beekeeping and Sustainable Livelihoods

    Food and Agriculture Organization Diversification Booklet

      Martin Hilmi

      Nicola Bradbear

      Danilo Mejia

    This booklet is intended to raise awareness and promote beekeeping, among people and organisations involved in supporting small-scale farming as a successful diversification enterprise that small-scale farmers in rural, urban and urban centres can integrate into their farming systems easily. This publication is by the Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division of The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations…

    Taylorʼs of Welwyn

      Robert Hawker

    Thomas Bates Blow was from a working class background and leading a life with little direction until he was befriended by a member of a leading British family: with his patronage and much hard work, Thomas laid the foundation of what was to become the largest business in Europe supplying the requirements of beekeepers. This volume charts the history of…