Steve Donohoe

titles listed

    Healthy Bees, Heavy Hives

    How to maximise your honey crop

      Steve Donohoe

      Paul Horton

    Following on from Honey Farming by R.O.B. Manley (1946), and Honey By The Ton by Oliver Field (1983), Steve Donohoe and Paul Horton have produced a stunning book on beekeeping today, with a focus on increasing honey production. Clear diagrams and beautiful photographs complement a relaxed writing style which is both enjoyable and informative to read. Paul is a successful…

    Interviews with Beekeepers

      Steve Donohoe

    A rare insight into the lives of commercial beekeepers, warts and all, Interviews With Beekeepers is gold dust to anyone who wants to know more about keeping bees. For author Steve Donohoe, beekeeping was a form of therapy - an escape from the stresses of corporate life to something natural and healing. Steve decided to write the book that he…